
By request

Hi y’all, 
Yes I’m back for a minute. Miss me? Naah hell no. ✌️

A few more little things, what about that oh so refreshing hot bath after a long, cold day? Yup

And that smell of your favorite laundry soap, does it smell sweet like a woman or somber like a man? Yup

Then we have damn everlasting debate on which way the toilet paper goes on the tube, I say over, most say under so you could see a spider hiding. Yup

My favorite sounds are the squirrels playing tag on top of my house running back and forth until hysterically one falls off. And my hummingbirds birds wings as they buzz by me for that early buzz. Yup 

I love to listen to “E” play guitar, he stinks, but it’s music to my ears. Especially when he sings along. It’s soothing, calming, but sometimes it’s nerve racking, I don’t think I would change one bit of it. Nope

Mmmm that wonderfully superb home-made chili, not to spicy, not to cool, close your eyes, can you smell it? What does it smell like? Tomatoes, chili powder, or chili’s? Yup

How about that wonderfully arousing aroma of just getting out of a hot shower? Come on please join me, close your eyes picture it, can you smell it? Yup

How about the smell of a newborn, freshly latheted up with lotion, powdered up, looking up at you with big eyes, wondering what’s happening? Yup

Ok, roll with me here on this one, I did say I loved music of all kinds, listen to Be a Light, how’s it make you feel? It makes me grin from ear to ear. Listen to My wish another good easy smiling song. Or Buy Dirt, simple yet the truth. One last one by HARDY, Give Heaven Some Hell. Yup

If you read all the comments on last entry ☺️ I think there’s enough there for another blog post, thank you llynn2021! Btw I loved the down vote, Ha! I even gave myself one. Just because it’s my blog and I can. Yup

Please try to find a bit of “you” time each and every day, be it a second, a moment, five minutes or hell  a whole damn day, walk away do you, be you, because after all no one else is. Nope!

Til next time,


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