Early Morning’s

Early Mornings

They are made for hot coffee, hot breakfast with fried potatoes, eggs, bacon, grits and family.  We had buttermilk pancakes Gran made from scratch. The conversation was popping. 

As we laughed at the stories gramps would tell, you all know the one where he walked both ways uphill in his bare feet to school. Lol and gram said he was just saying that BS! 

I remember skipping and breaking the golden rule, fighting with kids after school. Hiding behind the bleachers doing things we shouldn’t do but damn the temptations were just to strong!

It was pretty tough being in rivalry school, football games turned bad real fast, Warren G Harding, my high school, versus Warren Western Reserve. Our boyfriends would always give us the heads up when to stay home. I miss those days.

Oh, the baseball bats, the chains, the revved  up ford vs Chevies the girls trying to be the toughest. Those day’s I wouldn’t want back but I enjoy remembering th


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