
Boy oh Boy

Howdy, everyone it surely has been a ridiculous past couple days.My phone contracted some crazy icon baby maker. It was the wildest damn thing. Icons just began duplicating various icons I had probably counted at the rate of at least 6 new ones of each application I had installed on my phone.

I finally tossed my hands in the air, backed up as much as possible to various places, unrelated to anything Google or Chrome and performed a full factory reset (shivers) moved to restore, again avoiding as many and as much of Google as possible, as well as Chrome.

Currently, I have chosen DuckDuckGo as my browser. Traced as a new version of protection. I just couldn’t believe it because before I chose to reset I ran everything, looking for malware, ransomware, Trojan, any type of rhyme or reason, nothing showed up. 

Lord was it a major pain in the ass!

I’m back up running very smoothly now. I lost most of my contacts, a ton of my artwork projects, all applications I use to create the artwork. I spent way too damn many hours awake dealing with this debacle. That’s for sure!

So if “W” did show up for our little debate, saddened as I am. This is why it never happened. Unless, “W” didn’t show up either. In that case we may never know. 

My friends this about all the energy I have left. I’m going to rest for the remainder of this beautiful warm Sunday nap as needed, eat as much as I want and do the “me time”.  End- (12:45 pm) 💤

I Missed A Day

Hey, it’s me again, I made it back, sore tired fingers came with me too! So, because I went MIA for a longer time then I planned. I figured it wouldn’t matter if I made a lap around our shiney new social network. 

I was completely amazed at the comparions President Biden and VP Harris made in reference to January 6th, 21.  VP Harris actually had compared that day to 9-11?

Wow, just wow no comparison could possibly be made, but somehow she did it. Biden’s comparison was just as expected. No surprise for me there. 

On my walkabout I observed a post with the number of dead for the events she made reference to, I wish I would have thought to borrow it for this little project of mine. 

But more interestingly on my wonderlust, I bounced into a community and met a rather interesting person. Just fresh into Facebook jail as I used to jokingly call it. 

This person, to whom I will now refer to as “W” 🤭- was injecting himself into posts using words like baah, baah as a sheep would do. To me it seemed as if “W” was wanting that to be in reference to my, presumably your beliefs, as well. 

Of course, I just had to comment, are you at all surprised? You shouldn’t be if you had read anything I ever commented on. 

We engaged in simple pleasantries which quickly turned into a mini debate of opinion. Tired as I was, I hung around, “W” continued to try valiantly to get under my Republican skin. 

You should also know, unless you catch me before I’ve had my Java, it isn’t an easy road to travel.

We finally agreed to speak to our spouse’s and have a civil debate today at some point. I’m truly looking forward to it. Maybe,  as “W” and I tossed around he would bring a friend, I suggested I could possibly find another female too. 

Well, that begs to ask will Mr. Z moderate?
Whew, End (7:31am) Stay tuned….