To Early to Be Awake

I couldn’t sleep last night, so many things are just running around in my head like a two year old on sugar.

Awake to Early or Never Slept

Its way to early or to late to be up, I’m not sure which. I’m always afraid to sleep, I’m always afraid I’m going to miss something. Which is funny considering my age, I’m fairly certain that I have seen way more of the new world we live in then I want to. Besides the coffe tastes marvelous!

So how many of you found 2 or 3 minutes out of yesterday to help you get ready for your day? I try to do the things I talked about in my last entry every morning with my Java. I do have a few more ideas especially for the younger crowd who haven’t yet ruined their back. Be sure to stand up and stretch every hour or so. If your at a computer all day, maybe you have a super boss, get one of those desks you can pull up to a standing position. Hey, it’s a thought!

I learned all the things I will try to mention way to late in life. I always thought I was invincible. Ha! Boy was in wrong! I once had a business carrying for children, yep thirteen a day most I watched grow into teenagers that didn’t need me anymore. Along with my three boy’s yes, I had my hands full but it was also very rewarding. Not just financially, but it made my heart feel good that the parents or mostly the parent was able to work and support their children in a manner that fit them . All the while knowing that the children were cared for, fed, and loved. At times I think I may have ignored my own children looking back. I sure hope not.

See my husband and best friend he worked and worked very hard. So it was my job to be a stay at home mom. That’s why I did daycare I felt I needed to help out. At that time we were also coaching our boy’s soccer teams. Lord were we busy. Of course we made sure that weekends were our time after the games and pizza parties. We always went out, dancing, drinking lol like we were 28 all over again. Boy did that shit hurt! Then is when , we decided that if we were going to party we may as well get paid we opened a karaoke business, called Sideshow Karaoke, there are still some 13 or 14 year old videos on YouTube!! Can you believe that? Oh my how sound quality has changed with phones, ha! We used to have Pagers and bag phones or a flip phone, now these things are about smarter than the average bear.

This went on for 12 years, oh Lord the drinking we did, if it wasn’t bought for us, we were buying them like we owned the place! Needless to say we rarely made any money. If we didn’t drink it or we spent it at the nearest hotel as not to get pulled over. Yeah, it was just play money, I mean after all we earned it, right?

Yet again we were wrong, no one told us anything about life, there wasn’t any book. We just winged it. The mistakes were plenty and lessons hard learned. Be here I am in my 60ishes lol like that word? I’m still hanging on. Not sure if it’s good or bad but maybe sometime I will discuss that with anyone who might be sitting in the loft. Hey, I do not blame you, I have no idea how to write a blog, it’s my first. I kinda figured it’s like a diary of sorts just not locked. See I want what tiny bit if wisdom I have gained to go around the world, because I never made it there, they say once always on the web, always on the web . I hope so. I have so many things I need to talk about. I’m just not sure where to begin now that I took myself out of the deep deep political devide.

While I’m right there let me say for the record Incase none of you read my prior blog entries I’m very much a republican, not a rhino, just a staunchly conservative republican. I believe it’s your body your choice when it come to this vaxx stuff, not me! I do worry about my grandchildren and their children. I guess time will tell. I urge you to go to my very first entry, I chose January 6th 2022 for a reason, it’s the one year anniversary of the so- called insurrection. I just call it a riot of all things evil. All the really bad groups, we biker’s rode in support not one shot tired, not one injury or arrest. They acted like BLM, I swear who in their correct mind burns down their own town? Smh! Anyway I am way off topic, I must finally be getting tired.

So until tomorrow or the next, depending on how I feel and how much pain I’m in I will be here with some kind of wisdom if we choose to call it that. Be blessed, be kind and be thankful. Til next time. (End 3:48am)


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